Kristin Casaletto

Co-owner, Design Director, Illustrator

Kristin’s package designs and illustrations can be found gracing shelves and award galleries. She has extensive experience in creating branding and packaging for clients in the food and beverage industries, along with a wide array of advertising experience. A multi-faceted artist, Kristin also crafts wood and mixed media art.

Kristin’s personal portfolio of past work can be seen here.

Ben Jenkins

Co-owner, Brand Strategist, Copywriter

As a Creative Director and Copywriter, Ben’s creative strategies and advertising campaigns have been integral to the success of brands ranging from outdoor gear to craft beer. Ben has extensive experience in creating and supporting brands in the craft beer, spirits and food industries.

Ben’s personal portfolio of past work can be seen here.


Past & Present Clients



Cherry Studio

Laurelwood Brewing Co.

New West Cider

Portland Advertising Federation

Proper Pint Taproom

Root Pouch

Sportland Tea Company

Swift Cider

Tillamook Creamery

Wild Roots Spirits